Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Sometimes the world seems SO beautiful, and sometimes it seems SO ugly.

The truth is, it's both. Totally wonderful and totally disgusting at the same time. It depends how you look at it. It's not possible to always make it look amazing, because the horrible parts are ubiquitous.

A few days ago I was looking at the world and it was just amazingly beautiful. It must be the way God intended for us to see it. There is nothing all too significant about a tree.. It's made up of wood and leaves, yet it can have amazing beauty when you really look. Other things seem to be nice but are, in all actuality, ugly, ugly things.

People might fit into a similar category. They're ugly and beautiful at the same time (and no, I'm not talking about physical beauty). The uniqueness and genuineness of a person's true self can be one of the most amazing things in the world. When someone acts REAL, holds back nothing of their true self, and simply lives... that is an amazing thing. Then there is the ugliness of human sin and fakeness.

I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but it bothers me more that most things when a person is fake. If you're ashamed of who you truly are, why don't you change? I'm not saying you need to let down all of your walls and bare you heart to the world, but why act fake? There are few things abhorrent to me. I can't stand fakeness. BE YOURSELF! Please, for my sake if not for you own haha...

But honestly... seeing a person's true, unadulterated, unique personality, is one of the beauties of humanity. I love seeing a person open up and share with me how weird and strange they can be. Like a quote I recently heard, "It's when you see a person acting ridiculously silly that you realize how much you really love them".

If someone would judge you for the person you are deep inside (your TRUE self), there's no point trying to impress them with a facade. It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not... But honestly, if you share your true self, more than likely people will love you all the more, not less, for being yourself.