Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Nice :)

It's funny how things change.. and it's funny how things stay the same. Basically, everything is pretty funny. (Not chemistry, though.) So at first I was pretty quiet and reserved when I got here, but then I had a long talk with God and he told me to just be myself. It's definitely a lot more fun for me, and people seem to enjoy it, too. People figured out I'm weird and crazy, so there's no point in trying to hide it anymore.

I also think it's funny how I got extremely sick (bronchitis and lung infection and asthma attack) in the first week of class. Not haha funny, but ironic funny. Anyway, I'm still catching up from that. God has been able to show me how amazing he is through these things. I look forward to going to chapel and church any chance I can because I can't wait to be in God's presence again. It's pretty exciting...

I walk around school with a smile on my face basically all the time. I must look crazy to everybody that sees me. Like I've got some secret in my head that nobody else knows. Well, that's pretty much what it is..

My secret is that I like being happy, and smiling makes me happy, and being happy makes me smile. Pretty simple, I know. It's really nice if you try it, though. I can find something funny in almost every situation, and that definitely helps me stay happy too. Things go through my mind that either wouldn't make sense to anyone else, or they would just think it was dumb. That's ok though, because knowing everyone else would find it dumb just makes me laugh more (inside my head) because I know I'm crazy haha

I've been extremely (unquenchably) thirsty for over a week now. I can't help drinking... It's like I'm addicted haha but getting up repeatedly to get more things to drink just gives me more things that I find funny (like people doing awkward thing).

Anyways, so I've made a lot of good friends, and lots more acquaintances. It's nice to know people see my craziness and spend time with me anyway! It's also nice to be able to be there for people who need somebody. It's also nice to be myself and be happy. Basically, it's nice.

Thursday, September 11, 2008