Thursday, October 8, 2009

I hope this bugs you

n. a person having characteristics of both extrovert and introvert

So basically I was being an introvert tonight and needed to spend some time alone... So, like any person who wants to relax and spend time alone, I rode my longboard to some place I'd never been.

I don't know what it is about riding around on a board... ok I do. Anyway, I kept going until I found things I'd never seen before. So I followed them. The I found more things I'd never seen.

On to the point of the story... I found a spot that was so amazing I had to sit and bask in its beauty. It might not have been beautiful to anyone else, but to me, it was amazing.

As I sat and enjoyed my time of rest, I suddenly saw a huge shadow passing across the garage of a house across the street. An indeterminable shape passed across this house about once per second. For a while I couldn't figure out what this shape was. It changed each time it passed and became darker and lighter each time I saw it.

Eventually I decided to look at the source. The only way a shadow is created is by a light source. Looking up at the streetlight I could not see a thing; until suddenly... there it was! A tiny little moth fluttered in and out of the light. It didn't register with me right away.

A tiny, insignificant little bug was creating a shadow ten feet long. Because I am a nerd, I looked this up: a moth is about 6 millimeters. That means that the tiny little moth created a shadow 500 times its own size. When it flew away from the light, it created nothing at all.

That's when it hit me. (No, not the moth... the realization.) God spoke to me and said: just like this little moth, your mark on the world will be far greater than your small size if you will stand in my Light.

God's light is the source of all things, and if we stand in His light, our impact will be far greater than anything we could hope to do on our own.

Just like God says that we need only a mustard seed of faith, our insignificance can be used if we step into the Light Source.

I know this is a strange analogy but it was encouraging to me :)