Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hi, I'm a Christian!

It's easy to live your life like an 'ordinary person' as opposed to living like a Christian. It's not that you openly sin (at least hopefully not), but you aren't as careful about what you do. I'm not saying to be fakely good.. Don't take it that way, but when you aren't known as "The Christian," you aren't watched as closely.

Well today, my brother bought me a Jesus fish/cross for my car and a bumper magnet that say "on fire with God". When I got in my car, the realization of the stickers made me change the way I drove. I (basically) follow the traffic laws and don't cut people off or drive in a rude way, but it made me look at it differently.

If I was driving and having a bad day, I might have an angry face or be a little more rash in my decisions.. But with those stickers, representing myself as a Christian, I'm representing CHRIST. I'm an ambassador for him. It made me more conscious of what I was doing. It made me smile at people more.

When I'm having a good day and I'm extremely happy, I smile at people a lot more, and often they smile back (with genuine smile). If you've ever had a stranger smile at you, you know the feeling. Why don't we smile at people very often? There's no harm in it. If we're representing Christ, we need to show the world God's love through our actions EVERY day.

I'm not saying to be fake if you're having a bad day, but just be conscious of your actions. If your friends, coworkers, or classmates know you as a Christian, would God be proud to have you called that? Or would he be embarrassed to know the way you live in relation to your title of 'Christian".

Don't embarrass God. Live your life so that every person you meet will know that you LOVE God and that, through God, you can show the world how much He love them, too.

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